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František Farm

It is located in the small Šumava village of Jaroškov, whose history dates back to the 19th century. Life in a small mountain border village was not always easy. People lived here relying on themselves. Our ancestors lived through a very difficult period of Second World War. After the difficult post-war situation and communism . From a small border village, it was the so-called: end of the world. No one ever took away from any generation of our ancestors the willingness to work, energy, love and respect for Šumava nature. My father was from the last generation who was born directly on the farm and spent his entire life here. Despite the triggers of hard work - which most of us cannot even imagine today. He always found time for his beloved forest and the animals in it. He was a passionate hunter - but the priority was always to protect forest animals. It was not an exception when he brought home a small fox cub, a wild boar or a squirrel. He was our King of Šumava. That's why no one was surprised when we started raising fallow deer and mouflons. Together we started renovating parts of the main house. Due to the sudden illness of my father, we were forced to minimize horses, cows and other animals. Renovation due to rental, was not our initial intention. We just wanted to rebuild something nice that future generations could one day appreciate. Gradually, however, it became a "project", a project that became a memory of a beloved father. And keeping the promise to preserve the farm for our next generations. Today, after 20 years, we have done quite a bit of renovation. It is always a priority for us to do all modifications with maximum respect - that's why all the main elements are preserved. We used modern technology (we have our own water, heat pumps and sewer connection) and natural materials. .We want to preserve the atmosphere of the farm from my beautiful memories for our children... And so I decided to fulfill my father's wish, and I firmly believe that my children will one day have the same relationship with this place as I do now. So our goal is to show all guests or even just visitors of this wonderful place that home is not just a roof over the head but much more. Much more like home food, from home breeding, family welcome, willingness and smile on the lips. Šumava is a place where perhaps everyone should exclaim: "You have to love Šumava!". Because after just a few seconds spent here, this beautiful landscape will embrace you with its unique nature, no matter what time of year you are here. It doesn't matter if it's raining, snowing, sunny or foggy. This place simply won't lose its charm…